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SGBox English Curriculum For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3

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SGBox English Curriculum For Ninth Grade / Grade 9 / Secondary 3


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Product benefits

  • Aims of SGBox® English Curriculum
    SGBox® English Curriculum
    is a rigorous English language curriculum that is designed to enable your child to:
    1. listen to, read and view with understanding, accuracy and critical appreciation, a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts from print, non-print and electronic sources
    2. speak, write and make presentations in internationally acceptable English that is grammatical, fluent and appropriate for purpose, audience, context and culture. At higher levels of proficiency, pupils will speak and write for academic purposes and creative expression, using language that is inventive and imaginative.
    3. think through, interpret and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts from print and electronic sources to analyse how language is used to evoke responses and construct meaning; how information is presented; and how different modes of presentation create impact
    4. interact effectively with people from their own or different cultures

  • Framework of SGBox® English Curriculum
    SGBox® English Curriculum emphasizes ten inter-related components:
    1. Learner centredness
      The learner is at the centre of the learning process. Teaching approaches, lessons and curriculum materials are differentiated according to learners’ needs and abilities.
    2. Process orientation
      Language skills are process skills. Teaching and modelling the processes of reading, writing and oral communication are as important as testing the acquisition of these skills.
    3. Integration
      The integration of reading, writing and oral communication as well as the integration of language materials and areas of language use in a lesson or context contribute to meaningful learning.
    4. Contextualisation
      Language skills, grammatical items and structures are taught and learnt in the context of language use. Contextualisation demonstrates how purpose, audience, context and culture determine the register or appropriateness of speech and writing in both formal and informal situations.
    5. Spiral progression
      Language skills, grammatical items and structures, text types and other language components are taught and revised at increasing levels of difficulty and sophistication.
    6. Interaction
      Learners’ participation and interaction are important in language learning, and in fostering self confidence and social relationships among pupils from different cultural backgrounds and religions.
    7. Language use
      Pupils need to know how to communicate fluently, appropriately and effectively in internationally acceptable English. They need to understand how the language system works and how language conventions can vary according to purpose, audience, context and culture, and apply this knowledge in speech and writing in both formal and informal situations. Language learning and teaching are organised around three major areas of language use:
      1. Language for information
        As speaker, writer, reader, listener and viewer, the learner will access, retrieve, evaluate, apply and present information derived from print, non-print and electronic sources.
      2. Language for literary response and expression
        As speaker, writer, reader, listener and viewer, the learner will respond creatively and critically to literary texts, relate them to personal experience, culture and society, and use language creatively to express self and identity.
      3. Language for social interaction
        As speaker, writer, reader, listener and viewer, the learner will use English effectively, both in its spoken and written form, to establish and maintain positive interpersonal relationships, taking into account purpose, audience, context and culture.
    8. Learning outcomes
      The learning outcomes are the expected attainment targets for pupils at the end of each two-year period. This two-year period for the attainment of each set of learning outcomes will give teachers time and flexibility to cater to the different learning needs and abilities of their pupils.
    9. Text types
      The choice of text types is determined by purpose, audience, context and culture. The variety of text types from print, non-print and electronic sources that pupils listen to, read and view will ensure that they learn English from many models of language use. This will help them to speak and write effectively.
    10. Grammar
      Knowledge of grammar and how it functions contributes to effective language use. The study of grammatical features and lexis is closely related to the study of text types. Grammar and lexis contribute to the meaning of a text.

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  • great service J. Ng

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