| | Singapore Textbooks And Workbooks For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6List all products
1 | SGBox Science Curriculum For 5th Grade And 6th Grade / Primary 5 And Primary 6 (2-year Course) This is a comprehensive curriculum that will give your child a solid foundation in science, build up their confidence and give them a head start on their peers. "Initially I thought of buying just the text and work books as used by the Singapore students, but the recommended workbooks in the respective Singapore Mathematics and Science grade packages are very well selected. They include solutions that are helpful for me to grade my children's work. The Mathematics teacher's Guide is colourful, but sadly the Science Teacher's Guide comes in Black & white. C. H." |  |
2 | SGBox English Curriculum For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This is a comprehensive curriculum that will give your child a solid foundation in the English language, build up their confidence and give them a head start on their peers. "Receiving my orders from SGBox was like Christmas in May. I was very happy with the condition of the books which arrived and will be spending the next week studying the materials. L.P. Mercado" |
1 | New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 (2nd Edition) Package These Singapore Maths textbooks and workbooks contain vivid and stimulating illustrations to instill fun and excitement into your child's learning of maths. "It is so easy to find the desired items on the store, and the order has arrived much earlier than expected and in perfect state. A++ for SGBox! Sergio" |  |
2 | Discounted New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Package (1st edition,1st page before preface missing) These Singapore Maths textbooks and workbooks contain vivid and stimulating illustrations to instill fun and excitement into your child's learning of maths. |  |
3 | Math Tutor For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore Math workbook will appeal to you and your child by its comprehensive coverage of the math curriculum in terms of scope and depth, as well as their sheer thickness! "Sgbox is awesome! P. E." |  |
4 | Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Core Package The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language. "The conditions are very good. And I will order English workbooks soon. M. O." |  |
5 | Higher Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Core Package Ideal for children (and even adults) who are advanced learners of the Chinese language. |
Featured customer testimonials |
- "I will be able use this when explaining the problems to the class, or to derive questions that would lead the class to a better understanding of the problem and how to solve it. G. B."
- "Hi SGBox: I'm very happy with your service and the books I bought. They are the right books I've been looking for a long time. My 9 year old daughter, in Primary School Year 4, so called "talented child in Maths" by her School teachers, had just finished Practice Paper in Mathematics Challenging Problems Primary Five yesterday and she is looking forward to do the next Unit and the other books too. In the past I bought lots of Primary Year 6 Maths books for her in UK. It seems they were all too easy for her. At last I found the right books! I'm going to let my son and the other daughter, age 12 and 10, try the other books. I'm sure they'll enjoy the books too. It is sure I'll continue buying the books from you as they are such excellent books. Once again, thank you very much! Best regards Mrs J H"
- "Huge great postage bag of stuff in record time before my school term ended. Service and efficiency is very much appreciated. Darryll M."
- "Quality materials at an affordable price with great customer satisfaction. I will be looking forward to additional purchases. Thanks! David Gregg"
- "Received maths and science for primary levels. So far so good. They look well set out, in easy to follow steps and you cannot go wrong. Designed for success, not failure. Makes hard subjects easy and interesting and creates an attitude of "I want to learn this" Great stuff and am looking forward to more in the future. Thank you. G. A. S."
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Rave customer testimonials |
1 | Step-By-Step Math For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore Math workbook will enable your child to master essential concepts, skills and processes in mathematics step by step. "I will be able use this when explaining the problems to the class, or to derive questions that would lead the class to a better understanding of the problem and how to solve it. G. B." |  |
2 | Art For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Your child will be exposed to a wide variety of art media, including collage, construction, digital drawing, drawing, modelling, painting, printmaking, sculpture and textile. |  |
3 | Challenging Maths For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 The math word problems in this Singapore Maths workbook are very challenging. "The order was processed fast and with great service. Book came quickly an well packaged. Interesting books, some are outstanding. Thank you. Mr O. L." |  |
4 | English Comprehension For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Each chapter of this Singapore English workbook includes a comprehension passage and multiple-choice questions, a comprehension passage and free-response / open-ended questions and two fill-in-the-blank cloze passages. "Hi, I recieved my order today.Thankyou very much, they are great books. Regards D." |  |
5 | English Model Papers For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore English book is an excellent tool for you to help your child review or revise his English homework, as well as to assess his mastery of grammar skills, vocabulary skills, comprehension skills and composition skills. "Quality materials at an affordable price with great customer satisfaction. I will be looking forward to additional purchases. Thanks! David Gregg" |
1 | PSLE Higher Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore Higher Chinese Language book also offers a great opportunity for non-Singapore 6th graders to compare their academic ability in the Higher Chinese Language against the standards of their Singapore counterparts. |  |
2 | PSLE Chinese Language For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore Chinese book offers an excellent opportunity for Primary 6 pupils in Singapore to gauge their proficiency in the Chinese language, and their level of readiness for the PSLE Chinese Language exam. |  |
3 | English Oral And Model Compositions For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 This Singapore English book is an excellent tool for you to prepare and equip your child for their oral and composition examinations. |  |
4 | Science Process Skills For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Each unit in this Singapore Science workbook includes concise and clear notes, and diagnostic tests to access your child's process skills in science. "I am a teacher and I recommend your math and science material to all of my parents because I desire my students to be advance in their studies. Sis. Teesha T. Muhammad" |  |
5 | Science Questions And Answers (Interactions, Energy) For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6 Each chapter in this book is so full of interesting scientific facts and details, it will build up your child's interest in science and stimulate their curiosity. "good books, good service Wu" |