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Editor's Picks In Singapore Textbooks

1Roving Rabbits Mathematics Step-By-Step Exercises For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book A (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Roving Rabbits Mathematics Step-By-Step Exercises For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book A (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Math book is arranged topic by topic, and each math topic contains a number of interesting and fun math worked examples and plenty of math exercises.

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2Roving Rabbits Mathematics Step-By-Step Exercises For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book B (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Roving Rabbits Mathematics Step-By-Step Exercises For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book B (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Maths book is highly recommended for your child if you want to help them acquire, develop, master and apply essential and critical mathematical concepts and skills.

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3Beambles Mathematics Heuristics For Kindergarten / Preschool Book 6 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Beambles Mathematics Heuristics For Kindergarten / Preschool Book 6 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Maths book is highly recommended for your child if you want to boost their confidence in solving challenging non-routine math problems.

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4SGBox Singapore Math Curriculum For Seventh Grade / Grade 7 / Secondary 1

This is a comprehensive curriculum that will give your child a solid foundation in mathematics, build up their confidence and give them a head start on their peers.

"Thank you so much for the very quick delivery - I wasn't expecting it for at least another week! As a mathematician and mathematics teacher who longs for the "good old days" in which pupils were given a thorough grounding in the basics underlying the subject (Algebra and Geometry), your books are a revelation! It is no small wonder that Singapore students maintain their enviable success rate in mathematics at Primary and Senior levels when your curriculum is based around such wonderful books. They are packed full of searching and thought provoking examples and investigations that do not shy away from giving pupils challenging mathematics to deal with. For this the authors are to be fully commended. It's comforting to know that some Departments of Education are willing to entertain the (remote) possibility of some partial failures in a system having high-expectations for the greater good of the discipline, its teachers and of our future mathematicians. The alternative is so often to opt for inflated grades, shallow and lack-lustre syllabi, implemented all too often solely for political favour rather than the benefit of our pupils and their development. Dr Dabbs (UK)."

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5Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 1 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 1 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Math book will teach your child how to master and apply the various fundamental mathematical concepts and skills in each mathematics topic using a rigorous, comprehensive, systematic and step-by-step spiral approach.

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6SGBox English Curriculum For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

This is a comprehensive curriculum that will give your child a solid foundation in the English language, build up their confidence and give them a head start on their peers.

"I admire the efficiency with enquiries, I received quick response ever time I asked a question. I also had an immediate refund for an unavailable book, which was great. SGBox has Excellent resources, I should have purchased more! I ordered full packages in English & Maths for Kindegarten to Year 6. "

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7Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Math book contains many well-structured, focused and intensive math lessons and math exercises that break down the various fundamental mathematical concepts and skills based upon each math topic into easily digestible parts for your child.

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8Beambles Mathematics Bar Model Method For Beginners For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Beambles Mathematics Bar Model Method For Beginners For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Maths book is highly recommended for your child if you want to help them master the Singapore math bar model method.

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9Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Thinking Trainers Mathematics Challenging Word Problems For Pre-Kindergarten / Nursery (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Math book is highly recommended for all Pre-Kindergarten pupils.

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10Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Kindergarten / Preschool Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)Beambles Mathematics Concepts And Skills For Kindergarten / Preschool Book 2 (Singapore Math) (Joseph D. Lee)

This Singapore Maths book is highly recommended for your child if you want to help them master fundamental math concepts and skills.

"Nice and easy"

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