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Singapore Textbooks And Workbooks For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

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Singapore Science


1New Syllabus Primary Mathematics For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 (2nd Edition) Package

These Singapore Maths textbooks and workbooks contain vivid and stimulating illustrations to instill fun and excitement into your child's learning of maths.

"Easy to follow. Excellent explanations. Much better than the US version of this curriculum. A. L. Barnett"

2Perfect Match Science For 5th Grade And 6th Grade / Primary 5 And Primary 6 Package

These Singapore Science textbook and activity books instill a lot of fun and excitement into the learning of science through the use of lively and colourful illustrations and pictures.

3Science Handy Guide For Parents 5th Grade And 6th Grade / Primary 5 And Primary 6
4Higher Chinese Language For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks and workbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

"The conditions are very good. And I will order English workbooks soon. M. O."

5Chinese Language For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5 Core Package

The lively and colourful pictures in these Singapore Chinese textbooks help to instill fun and excitement into the learning of the Chinese language.

"The most suitable material for our children who are native English speakers learning Chinese as a second language in Mainland China. Denise A Wang"

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1Step-By-Step Math For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

This Singapore Math workbook is an invaluable tool for every child who wishes to master math.

"We love the Singapore Maths programme we purchased through SG Box. It can be daunting to order items from the other side of the world and shipped to the UK but we've done several times with SG Box over the years and have been always extremely satisfied with their communication, speed of delivery and condition in which they arrive. Highly recommended! L. Ball"

2Art For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

Your child will be exposed to a wide variety of art media, including collage, construction, digital drawing, drawing, modelling, painting, printmaking, sculpture and textile.

"Receiving my orders from SGBox was like Christmas in May. I was very happy with the condition of the books which arrived and will be spending the next week studying the materials. L.P. Mercado"

3Challenging Maths For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

This Singapore Maths workbook contains many topical test papers in maths, each of which includes challenging multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions and word problems.

"i am happy to get your books. They are well organized, powerful and useful. I cannot compare them with different companies. is the best. Irina G."

4Maths Problem Sums For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

This Singapore Maths book is arranged topic by topic, and each topic contains many examples and their worked solutions.

"I have been buying Math/English workbooks at for a few years and I love to use them! The high quality exercises in the books keep my son on the top of his peers academically. HARRIS ZENG"

5Maths Workbook For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

This book will help you assess your child's ability to solve very challenging questions that require critical and creative thinking skills.

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1English Oral And Model Compositions For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

This Singapore English book is an excellent tool for you to prepare and equip your child for their oral and composition examinations.

2Science Process Skills For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

Each unit in this Singapore Science workbook includes concise and clear notes, and diagnostic tests to access your child's process skills in science.

"I am a teacher and I recommend your math and science material to all of my parents because I desire my students to be advance in their studies. Sis. Teesha T. Muhammad"

3Science Questions And Answers (Interactions, Energy) For Sixth Grade / Grade 6 / Primary 6

Each chapter in this book is so full of interesting scientific facts and details, it will build up your child's interest in science and stimulate their curiosity.

"good books, good service Wu"

4Science Process Skills For Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5

This Singapore Science workbook is highly recommended for your child if you want to assess his progress in the learning and mastery of the scientific concepts, knowledge and skills covered in the Primary Science syllabus for Fifth Grade / Grade 5 / Primary 5.

"The shipment is very speedy and the packing condition is very nice!! J. K."

5Science Challenging Questions For 5th Grade And 6th Grade / Primary 5 And Primary 6

The questions in this Singapore Science workbook are very challenging and your child will require higher-level thinking skills and process skills to solve them.

"Excellent products that I use myself to tutor my kids. Wish they could go to a school in Singapore Viktor A."

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