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Singapore English Curriculum (Scope And Sequence) For 1st Grade / Primary 1 And 2nd Grade / Primary 2

Our Singapore English books for 1st Grade / Primary 1 and Singapore English books for 2nd Grade / Primary 2 are written in English and based on the Singapore English curriculum for 1st Grade / Primary 1 and 2nd Grade / Primary 2, which covers the following topics.

If your child uses our Singapore English books for 1st Grade / Primary 1 and Singapore English books for 2nd Grade / Primary 2, he will be able to:

Develop the following skills, strategies and attitudes:

  • Read and respond to a variety of texts and demonstrate a positive attitude towards reading and language

    • Recall, talk and write about books read
    • Enjoy the creative use of language in e.g. similes, poems and jokes
    • Respond creatively and imaginatively e.g. act out a story
  • Listen for information from a variety of sources

    • Listen for a sustained period of time: when a teacher is reading a book aloud
    • Demonstrate understanding that audio cues (tone, volume) convey meaning
  • Speak fluently and expressively on a range of topics

    • Use the stress patterns and rhythm of English appropriately
    • Pronounce words clearly
    • Speak to convey meaning using intonation: rising tone for question
  • Present and develop ideas effectively in speech / writing for a variety of purposes and audiences

    • Do a show-and-tell; recite rhymes; retell stories
    • Select a central idea with teacher guidance
    • Monitor peers’ oral presentation / recitation to ensure audibility and visibility
  • Write legibly, coherently and cohesively for different purposes and audiences

    • Use print script
    • Space letters, words and sentences appropriately
    • Apply knowledge of spelling conventions and strategies to their own writing
    • Write paragraphs that develop a central idea
    • Use grammar, punctuation and vocabulary appropriately
    • Draft, revise and edit a text with their teacher
  • Demonstrate knowledge about language and text types from print / non-print / electronic sources

    • Understand concepts about print: print is written from left to right and top to bottom, capitalisation, spacing between words, differences between letters, words and sentences
    • Understand and use appropriately terms relating to:
      • books: cover, title, author, illustrator, page number
      • text types e.g. fairy tale: hero, character, beginning / ending of a story
      • electronic books: arrows, icons
    • Understand and use grammatical items and structures
  • Use reading strategies to construct meaning

    • Use phonological awareness strategies:
      • Blend sounds of consonants and vowels to make words
      • Identify and produce rhyming words
      • Separate spoken words into beginning and ending sounds
      • Distinguish long and short vowels in words
      • Match spoken words to printed words
      • Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds
      • Read common, irregular sight words e.g. the, have, said
      • Read aloud to check pronunciation and understanding
    • Use meaning-based strategies:
      • Relate words to pictures
      • Use knowledge of cohesive devices: connectors to do with time, sequence
      • Use contextual clues: pictures, title
      • Use prior knowledge: familiar words, word association
      • Recognise text types
      • Ask questions about the texts studied
  • Listen to / Read / View a variety of texts and demonstrate understanding of content in oral or written form

Language for Information

Language for Literary Response And Expression

Language for Social Interaction

  • Make predictions about content using title, visuals
  • Identify gist / main idea(s) in e.g. simple information texts
  • Follow simple oral / written instructions

  • Make predictions about storyline, characters using their own experience and contextual clues
  • Identify gist / main idea(s) in e.g. stories
  • Identify the beginning, middle and ending of e.g. stories
  • Describe characters, events, setting
  • Recall details at the literal level: who, what, when, where, why, how
  • Infer and draw conclusions about characters, sequence of events
  • Identify gist in e.g. messages, dialogues
  • Recall details in e.g. messages, dialogues

  • Listen to / Read / View a variety of texts and demonstrate in oral or written form the ability to acquire and use knowledge for a variety of purposes

Language for Information

Language for Literary Response And Expression

Language for Social Interaction

  • Locate information using author, title, table of contents
  • Gather information using alphabetical order / categories
  • Organise information: list and sequence
  • Give reasons to support a response to a story, saying whether they like or dislike it
  • List, organise information about characters, sequence of events or setting to complete a story web
  • Give reasons to support a response to e.g. a request
  • Interact effectively with people from own or different culture(s) / religion(s)

Language for Information

Language for Literary Response And Expression

Language for Social Interaction

  • Use appropriate language, terms of address and tone
    • Address and greet familiar people appropriately according to age, gender, status
    • Ask / talk about people, places, things
    • Ask for permission
    • Express thanks / good wishes
    • Give information about self
    • Invite people
  • Participate in discussion
    • Agree / disagree at appropriate times
    • Speak in turn
    • Learn and contribute as members of groups
    • Follow agreed-upon rules for group work

Learn the following text types for listening to / reading / viewing from print / non-print / electronic sources

Language for Information

Language for Literary Response And Expression

Language for Social Interaction

  • Instructions e.g. recipes, instructions from craft books and computer programmes
  • Lists e.g. shopping lists, Word Banks
  • Narratives e.g. fairy tales, rhymes, riddles
  • Personal recounts
    e.g. oral anecdotes, diary entries
  • Conversations e.g. making arrangements, giving information about self
  • Short functional texts e.g. thank-you notes, messages

Learn the following text types for speaking / writing from print / non-print / electronic sources

Language for Information

Language for Literary Response And Expression

Language for Social Interaction

  • General knowledge texts e.g. simple non-fiction texts
  • Lists e.g. "to do" lists
  • Scrapbooks
  • Narratives e.g. stories
  • Personal recounts e.g. oral anecdotes, diary entries
  • Conversations e.g. giving information about self
  • Short functional texts e.g. greeting cards, thank-you notes, invitations

Learn about the following grammar items:

  • General knowledge texts

    • Simple present tense
    • Verbs
  • Instructions

    • Connectors to express sequence
    • Verbs: imperatives
  • Lists

    • Nouns and noun phrases
    • Quantifiers
  • Narratives / Personal recounts

    • Adjectives
    • Adverbs
    • Connectors to do with time and sequence
    • Nouns and noun phrases
    • Pronouns
    • Punctuation
    • Simple past tense
    • Verbs
  • Conversations and short functional texts

    • Adverbs
    • Contractions of verb forms and modal auxiliaries
    • Modal auxiliaries
    • Prepositions
    • Pronouns
    • Questions
    • Tense: Simple present and past

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P1EGTEnglish Grammar Tutor For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1USD19.99
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P1EVWPrimary English Vocabulary Workbook For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1USD16.99

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P1MPEMy Pals Are Here English For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1 PackageUSD49.99

Singapore English

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P2SGBOXESGBox English Curriculum For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2Bestseller , Top customer-rated , Rave customer testimonials , Editor’s PickUSD202.88USD3.02 (1%)

1 This is the total amount that you save compared to ordering the equivalent number of items in each pack separately (a la carte).

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P2ECTPEnglish Class Test Papers For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2EEPEnglish Exam Papers For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2EGTEnglish Grammar Tutor For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD19.99
P3EGTEnglish Grammar Tutor For Third Grade / Grade 3 / Primary 3USD19.99
P1EOMCEnglish Oral And Model Compositions For First Grade / Grade 1 / Primary 1Rave customer testimonialsUSD16.99
P2EOMCEnglish Oral And Model Compositions For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2EPSGEnglish Phrases Study Guide For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2EVFCREnglish Vocabulary For Creative Writing For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2PECPrimary English Comprehension For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2PEGPrimary English Guidebook For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99
P2EVWPrimary English Vocabulary Workbook For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2USD16.99

Also available





P2MPEMy Pals Are Here English For Second Grade / Grade 2 / Primary 2 PackageUSD49.99

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